I have been contemplating how to make this post since I decided not to run for re-election. How do you sum up 16 years of service to the amazing Stone Mountain Village Community? I started doing these council recaps because too often during council meetings I would look out and see that only a handful of people were in attendance. The recaps were my way of engaging with the citizens and making them aware of what we were doing in all these meetings. In the last couple of years the need for these posts have dwindled because the citizen engagement has grown exponentially! I am so very excited for this and pray that it will continue. The citizens elect the council as their representative and need to ensure that their voices are being heard and reflected in the actions of the council.
This Finale will be a little different - this will be a look back on some of the highpoints over the last 4 terms! I have learned so much through the years and as many of you know I am working to continue my public service on a higher level. As sad as I am to see this chapter come to an end I am equally excited to see what the future holds!
A big thank you for your support!
Completed streetscape project along Main Street
Repaved a large portion of Ridge Avenue with SPLOST funds - $308,159
Completed phase 2 of the Train Depot renovations – allowing the Visitor Center to move into the larger space
Completed the East Mountain Sidewalk project
Completed multiple drainage projects in the Rockborough Subdivision
2017 - Road Project on Churchill Court, Central Drive, and Ferndale - $28,316
2018 – Repaved Zachary Drive - $176,985
Supported petitions for new traffic calming measures on Cloud Street and 2nd Street between JBR and E. Mountain Street.
2021 – repaved Mountain Village Court
2022 – Sexton Drive Drainage project
2022 - Supported the Kaboom Playground rebuild at McCurdy Park
2023 - Supported the Kaboom Playground build at Leila Mason Park
Economic Development
Served on the Downtown Development Authority Board from 2006 to 2008 and 2010 to 2023 - acted as Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary at various times
More than 10 new businesses have opened or expanded in the last 5 years
Approved new construction at Hearthstone Subdivision, 35 new homes built and occupied – only new subdivision in the city
Major supporter of the Tunes by the Tracks Concert series
Funded the Stone Mountain Farmer’s Market
Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund support for 2 projects
The DDA sold 965 Main Street allowing for the rehab of the building and Stoned Pizza Kitchen to open
The DDA sold 5325 Manor Drive to Georgia Military College Foundation – providing the college the opportunity to expand
The DDA purchased 5379 E. Mountain Street, completed minor renovations to the building, sold the building to a thriving coffee roasting business
2023 – completed the first mural project
Supported COVID Relief funding for small businesses in the City
Removed critical findings on the annual audit report
Increased budget reserves which eliminated the need for a yearly finance loan (i.e. in 2016 we borrowed $825,000; 2017 borrowed $713,000; 2018 borrowed $357,000 and paid it back with interest)
Decreased the millage rate yearly from 22.27 mills in 2017 to the current millage rate of 16.00 in 2023
Repaid City’s General Fund obligation to the Storm Water Fund
Started the Government 101 information series
City started on online newsletter
City dreated a new outreach Facebook page
Created City Council Recap Blog
FY2019 – Increased the pay of each non-administrative officer by an entire grade
FY2019 – covered 100% of employee insurance premium
2016 – provided tasers
2015 - Body cameras
Provided take home vehicles for officers
Installed GPS units in vehicles
Implemented a 12 hour work shift to improve the quality of life of the officers
2022 – raised the starting pay for officers to $50k
2022 promoted Lt. Westerfield to the position of Chief
General Government
Heard the complaints from the Citizens and changed our sanitation provider to DeKalb County for an increased level of service
Adopted the resolution for the Fair Treatment of All Citizens
Heard the complaints from business owners on the slow process of having the County provide fire inspections – opted to take control of that process and increased the level of service, provide building inspections, fire marshal and permitting services)
Created the Parks and Recreation Committee
Completed the Comprehensive Plan Update in 2016
2019 – appointed a new Chief Municipal Court Judge, added additional court days/times
Continual support of the Stone Mountain Community Garden
Created an ordinance to allow for the construction of a Tiny Home / Accessory Dwelling unit
Re-certified as a City of Ethics 2018 and 2023
Approved proclamation to establish the City as a Purple Heart City – 2018
Adopted a revised animal ordinance 2018-2019
Completed a Park Study through a grant with the Atlanta Regional Commission
2022 – Provided an 18% pay raise for all employees
2020 - Provided COVID rent / mortgage assistance program for citizens
2020 - Celebrated the FIRST Juneteenth Holiday / Event in the City of Stone Mountain