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City Council Recap - July 3, 2019

Happy Wednesday! Here is the City Council Recap.

We had a productive evening. Public hearing was held before the regular voting meeting on the Proposed Millage Rate and adding additional stop signs at Manor and 2nd Street.

During the regular voting meeting updates were given on the Hearthstone Subdivision covenant restrictions - no additional permits have been submitted. At issue is limiting the amount of rental homes in the subdivision.

We are still working to provide a sewer easement to a resident on Central Drive.

Bid was approved for stormwater projects on Stone Trace, Main Street and Zachary Drive.

City Manager Thornton provided a detailed presentation on the 2019 Tax digest. She detailed how the millage rate is calculated and laid out her request to Mayor and Council to earmark the additional revenue from the increased digest to the renovation of the historic train depot. The first 2 phases of the project have been completed and the 3rd phase will renovate the old police side of the building by creating a large meeting/event space with a caterers kitchen. This space can then be used as a senior center/community room.

Approval was given to allow the Baptist Church to place signs in the right-of-way advertising their free movies on Saturday on the Baptist Lawn.

Discussion was had on the Unlawful Discrimination ordinance. I would like to thank everyone who spoke on this item. Council has been reviewing a model ordinance and are still working to finalize the enforcement of the ordinance once adopted and funding needed. In the meantime, I proposed adopting a resolution stating the City's intention to be inclusive of all and not tolerating discrimination in our community for any reason. This will be on the work session agenda as well.

And finally, the setting of the 2019 millage rate. I would again like to thank everyone who spoke on this issue. Previously, Council had adopted a tentative rate of 22 mils, matching the 2018 rate. After much discussion and comments, questions, concerns from the public, council approved the 2019 millage rate at 21 mils, a one mil reduction. It can be tough to balance the concerns of the public with the budgetary needs of the city. I hope this will be an acceptable compromise. I would also like to thank City Manager, ChaQuias Thornton for all of her hard work. Without her diligent management of taxpayers dollars we would not be able to considering a lower rate. She is doing an amazing job, so next time you see her, please tell her thank you!

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Independence Day!

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