Happy Hump Day! Today is a coffee day for sure after a long night of meetings! We had a public hearing, special call, and work session last night. So, get ready for a long post!
Public hearing was held on 2 items. Bed and Breakfast Home Facility at 1051 Hill Street and Variance for deviation from parking requirements at 5368 E. Mountain Street.
Special Call meeting had only one item on the agenda – to change the classification for the Deputy Court Clerk position from grade 11 to grade 12. Item was approved unanimously.
Work Session – Reports were given from Planning and Zoning, DDA, Sub-Committee on Busking, and Parks and Recs.
Staff reports were presented by Code Compliance, Public Works, Police, City Clerk, Tourism Manager, and City Manager.
Unfinished business – the City Attorney is working to receive the updated Hearthstone Subdivision Covenant Restrictions. And we are waiting to hear back from the property owner who has requested a sewer easement on Central Drive.
New Business – Council discussed the 2 items presented during the public hearing. 1051 Hill Street – City Manager reported that the application appears to meet the requirements set forth in the code. They are seeking to have 2 guest rooms and will continue to live on the premise. 5368 E. Mountain Street variance is requesting a reduction in required park, reduction in parking space size, minimum lot coverage, and minimum rear yard (the existing structure doesn’t meet current code so this would clean up an existing situation). Both items will be on the Council agenda for consideration on August 6th.
Permit application has been submitted by Zayo Fiber Solutions to install fiber along portions of W. Mountain St, Ridge Ave, Mimosa Dr, and Sheppard Rd. Fiber would be installed within the City Right-of-way. The company has some customers in the area, and this will provide fiber to those customers.
Request to landscape area in the Cemetery. The family of a child buried in the cemetery has requested the permission to plant a tree and shrubs in the cemetery. Administration is waiting on a landscape plan for approval.
Extension of East Mountain Street Sidewalks to Stone Mountain Park West Gate. When the City completed the sidewalk project along East Mountain Street, we stopped at the City Limits. This left a gap in the sidewalk along the south side of the road, about 700 feet. The gap is on Park property and outside City limits. Discussion is ongoing with the Park on completing this last piece of sidewalk to make it safer for pedestrians entering the park through the walk-in gate. Park indicated they were open to sharing the cost of the project, which is a good sign. Some council members (myself included) did voice concern about funding a project outside the boundaries of the city when we have so many other projects within the city needing to be funded and completed. Discussions among Council and with the Park will continue. I do not anticipate a decision will be made at the voting meeting.
Resolution Pursuant to the Fair Treatment of Our Citizens was presented to Council. This is the resolution that I suggested at the last meeting. The intent is state that the City stands for the fair treatment of all of our citizens and will not tolerate discrimination. It will not replace the proposed ordinance; however, they are still much to work out on funding the enforcement of the proposed ordinance. For example, the ordinance calls for employing a hearing officer and mediator to deal with potential discrimination cases. Additionally, it also calls for special additional training of our officers. The logistics of these items needs to be worked through and funding put in place.
Budget amendment for the FY2019 budget was presented. Budget amendment includes the funding for the recently approved stormwater projects, adjustments to the confiscated assets revenue, and general budget adjustments.
Finally, City Manager ChaQuias Thornton gave a brief presentation on her idea for the City to hold a community dinner, in an effort to showcase the diversity and inclusion of Stone Mountain Village. I am excited by her proposal and look forward to working with her to make her vision a reality! Stay tuned for more information.