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June 16th Work Session ReCap

Happy Thursday! I hope everyone is having a good week. And I hope to see you at the Stone Mountain March for Social Justice this Saturday, June 20th, 10:30AM at the Caboose!

Here is your recap!

Unfinished Business

Ordinance 2020-06 To amend Appendix A - Zoning: This item ties to the previously approved Ordinance 2020-05 which established the way in which the planning commission would be established. Much discussion was held on the formation of the commission as it was approved in Ordinance 2020-005, the consensus appears to be to request a revision to the ordinance to include a stake holder on the commission. As adopted, members had to reside within the City. These guidelines were modeled after the existing guidelines for the formation of the Historic Preservation Commission. Ordinance 2020-06 specifically speaks to changing "planning committee" in the code to "planning commission". Due to this being a change to zoning a public hearing will be held before final adoption.

No New Business

New Ordinances and Resolutions

Ordinance 2020-07 Sets the tentative millage rate for 2020 at 21.00 mils. This is the same rate as was adopted last year. Council has the authority to go lower than the advertised tentative rate, but not higher. Public hearings will be held on June 23rd at 11AM and 6Pm and June 30th at 6:30PM. Council will vote June 30th after the last public hearing. 21.00 Mils would generate approximately $2,552,500 - 20.00 mils would generate approximately $2,431,000 and the roll back rate of 19.335 mils would generate approximately $2,350,132.

Disclaimer: This City Council Recap is taken from my personal notes and memories of the meeting. For the official minutes of the meetings please visit the City web page.

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