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September 3rd - Council Recap

Writer's picture: Chakira JohnsonChakira Johnson

Happy Wednesday! We had a productive and relatively short meeting last night. Here is the recap!

Unfinished Business:

Hearthstone Subdivision Covenants, the real estate broker has been in contact with City Administration, still waiting to have the final covenants presented. At issue is the amount of rental properties allowed in the subdivision.

Easement agreement for 5197 Central Drive was approved! This will allow the home owner an easement across City owned property to install a new sewer lateral for their home.

Discussion continued on extend E. Mountain St sidewalk to Stone Mountain Park West Gate. The park has presented concept plans that installs new sidewalk, new storm drainage, and reworks the pedestrian entrance. They have requested the City consent to paying for 50% of the project. Council views vary on the issue, however, my personal opinion is that we should not be splitting the cost to essential improve the entrance to the park. We have many projects within the city that could use the potential funding.

New Business:

Application for Variance at 1056 Griffin Street was approved. The existing lot does not meet minimum lot size standards as set forth in the ordinance. The variance was to allow the smaller lot size, all other requirements in the ordinance would be adhered to.

Georgia Municipal Employees Benefit System updated language was approved. This is the retirement plan for the city and included updated language.

Street Name Change - to change a portion of Venable Street to "Mamie Ella Lane Street" - this item will require a public hearing before council can take action. The public hearing will be schedule in the next few weeks. The request is to change the name of the street between 3rd and 4th streets.

New Ordinances & Resolutions:

Resolution 2019-20 FY2019 Budget Amendment was adopted. Budget amendment included increase in part time employee for court, repairs to police vehicle and bond refunds.

Reminder that the Parks and Rec committee will be meeting this Saturday at 10 at Medlock Park and will do a tour of all the parks.

Thursday, September 5th at 6:30pm the City will host a Annexation Education Session. We have received multiple requests to be annexed into the City from the Parks neighborhood. The intent of this session will be to give educational information on the process.

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